Sunday, October 12, 2014

As Clear As The Lake Water

Aku menunggu waktu ketika aku akhirnya berhasil menaklukan bahasa suomi. Orang-orang sering bilang betapa kemampuan bahasa suomiku menakjubkan untuk orang yang baru sebulan tinggal di Finland. Bisa jadi mereka bilang hal yang sama ke Celina maupun Anastasia but still, I couldn't help but blushing.
They just don't know how pathetic I am wanting to conquer this language so I could communicate with children and all the old folks. I love children and I desperately want to play with them. The big thing is they only know suomi to speak.

So as clear as the lake water, my motive is. 

Karena hidup kelihatan begitu sederhana di mata anak-anak dan para orang tua. It's not messy, or busy or complicated at all. It's all beautiful just the way it is.

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Hai hai terimakasih udah mampir dan baca sampai akhir. Silahkan tinggalkan komentar biar aku bisa mampir ke blog kalian juga.
Cheers :D
